
Study Medicine in Bulgaria in English

Study Medicine In Bulgaria In English

There are 6 universities where you can study drugs in Bulgaria. Medical School gests then are veritably enriching as all of the universities offer world-famed courses. The medical seminaries in Bulgaria offer redundant classes during the week in the Bulgarian language to help scholars integrate into the country more.

Medical education in the country is generally 6- times. Education freights for studying drugs in Bulgaria are between£ 7000 and€ 8000 per time. Below is a list of all the universities which educate Medicine and Dentistry in English in Bulgaria.

Why Study Medicine In Bulgaria?

Still, then are the reason you made a good choice If you vacillate whether you made the right decision by going to Bulgaria:

  • Globally recognised degrees
  • World-class level of education
  • Low living cost and tuition fees
  • Universities with the latest modern facilities
  • High-developed hospitals and clinics to practice
  • Part of EU, which makes it easy-accessible
  • A wide variety of universities to choose from
Medical Universities In Bulgaria
FAQ's About Bulgaria

All around the world! Feel free to choose your next destination after graduating.

Lower than most European countries. But it all depends on you.

Yes, all of the universities require an entrance exam.

Yes, some of them offer you the chance to change from one university to a Bulgarian one.

Yes, you can! All courses for international students are English-taught.

A pass at A-level Biology and Chemistry is required. However, it is possible to apply with GCSEs or BTECs. Contact one of our expert advisors for additional information.

Absolutely yes! Bulgaria is one of the safest countries in Europe. It is a preferred destination for many students and tourists. Locals are very friendly and welcoming.

Yes. You can work part-time while studying in Bulgaria. Students from outside the EU, on the other hand, must obtain a work visa in order to work and earn money in Bulgaria. Part-time work is permitted, but only for a maximum of 20 hours per week.


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