
Plovdiv Medical University

Plovdiv Medical University

Plovdiv Medical University is by far one of the most popular medical universities in Bulgaria and all of Europe. Students from all over the world, especially the UK, go there study Medicine or Dentistry.

The Faculty of Medicine is the foundation upon which the Higher Institute of Medicine and later its successor – Medical University Plovdiv have been built. The Faculty of Medicine maintains the prestige of an internationally acclaimed educational and research centre, in which 2862 students in medicine are currently being trained. The training is conducted in Bulgarian, in English. Approximately 1721 foreign medical students are citizens of 47 countries from 5 continents, including Great Britain, Greece, Turkey, Italy, Germany, Belgium, France, Austria, the Republic of Ireland, Denmark, Cyprus, Portugal, Denmark, Australia, the USA, China, Sweden, Finland, Norway, New Zealand, etc. In addition to the modern facilities for theoretical training and the newly equipped classrooms, the practical training of the medical students is conducted in several university hospitals with high-tech diagnostic and therapeutic units, equipped with conventional and modern apparatuses. The students and the postgraduates have the opportunity to be trained at the largest complex training centre for medical specialists in Bulgaria – The Medical Simulation Training Centre at Medical University Plovdiv.

The Faculty of Medicine consists of 29 departments. The most recent one is the Department of Endocrinology (2020).


  • Entry Requirement

    Exams in Biology & Chemistry

  • Tuition Fees Medicine

    €9000 1st Year; €8000 2nd to 6th Year

  • Tuition Fees Dentistry

    €9000 1st Year; €8000 2nd to 6th Year

  • Undergraduate Entry Medicine

    6 Years

  • Undergraduate Entry Dentistry

    5.5 Years

  • Intake


  • Graduate Entry

    Not Available

  • Clinical Rotations Medicine

    Up to the last 3 years

  • Address

    bul. "Vasil Aprilov" 15A, 4002 Tsentar, Plovdiv, Bulgaria

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Food Shopping

€150 -€200

Electricity & Gas




TV Cable/Internet


Public Transportation




University FAQ's
  • Plovdiv Medical University is one of the oldest, diverse and a leading university nationally and in Europe.
  • It has graduates from many countries worldwide, including the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, India, the Middle Eastern countries and more.
  • It has highly qualified doctors and professors to deliver the medicine programme.
  • It has a very large library which has 170000 books written in English.
  • Degrees obtained at Plovdiv Medical School are recognised internationally.

The Faculty of Dental Medicine is housed in a new building of 14770 m2 which  comprises of :

  • 27 clinical teaching rooms with a total of 168 working seats
  • 4 preclinical rooms with 45 seats
  • 1 operation theatre
  • 3 technical rooms for preclinical activities with 30 seats
  • 1 technical room for clinical activities with 28 seats
  • 1 teaching room for materials science with 24 working seats
  • 8 seminar rooms with a total of 113 seats
  • 12 treatment and consultation rooms
  • 4 rooms for postgraduate students
  • 7 rooms for specializing doctors of dental medicine
  • Aula Magna with 308 seats
  • 2 auditoria (First Auditorium with 156 seats and Second Auditorium with 117 seats)
  • library
  • computer room
  • sterilization room.


  • The MD programme is a 6 year course which is taught entirely in English
  • It involves training in preclinical and clinical disciplines, as well as a one-year clinical rotation.
  • The general and special medical disciplines are taught in their logical consequence and interrelation.
  • The training process is in accordance with the modern requirements for higher medical education. Experienced lecturers and modern infrastructure are prerequisites for excellent theoretical training and development of practical skills of physicians graduating from Medical University Plovdiv.
  • After passing the state examinations the students obtain Master’s degree and a professional qualification of Physicians.


  • The duration of the Dentistry course is 5.5 years  and taught entirely in English.
  • It comprises 10 semesters and a clerkship.
  • Students will obtain a Master’s degree upon completion of the programme.


1) Prospect students require to have completed their high/secondary school education (12-years education) and to have obtained a Diploma/School Leaving Certificate/GCE A-2 which gives them the right to apply to Universities in the country of origin of the secondary/high school

2) To have studied, completed and obtained marks in Biology and Chemistry in high school they have attended; for UK students – at least one of these  two subjects at A2 level, and the other one – either in A2, or in A/S level, or GCSE.

3) The applicants should have taken Biology and Chemistry courses with an average score of not less than 62% of the maximum one based on the grading system in the country of origin of the secondary (high) school they have attended.

4) To equalize their high-school diploma at any of the Regional Departments of Education in Bulgaria.


Applicants who have failing marks in any of the above mentioned two subjects in their secondary school document will not take part in the admission process.

Elective Biology and Chemistry marks will not be considered.

UK prospect students  who have taken their final A-level exams (summer) they are required to present a “Statement of Provisional Results” when applying and additionally by the beginning of February the following year – the actual certificate.

  • Documents of IBDP and Pre-Medical qualifications will be accepted but their marks in Biology and in Chemistry from the respective diplomas/certificates will be considered only for the admission. No discipline taken in their IBDP and Pre-Medical program will be recognized during their study at the University.
  • Applicants with BTEC, Foundation and Bio-Medical Science qualification will not be admitted.
  • Applicants which have Science, Additional Science etc. instead of Biology and Chemistry in their high school diplomas and certificates will have to provide a letter (legalized, translated and certified) from their high schools indicating what is included in these disciplines.

5) Entrance Exam in Biology and Chemistry;

  • The applicants who have failing marks in any of the entry exams will not participate in the ranking for admission.
  • Attempt of cheating or any other fraud during the exam the applicant’s will be disqualified from  participating in the admission process.

6) Non-native English speakers must provide an English language proficiency certificate at least at B1 level.
Non-native English speaker who can not provide English language proficiency at B1 level will not be considered in the ranking for admission.

7) To submit an application documents set within the stipulated deadline – by 14 July , UK prospect student – by 08 September.

  • Plovdiv is Bulgaria’s second-largest city and is big enough to provide a vast range of business and career opportunities for people of all ages, yet it’s small enough to offer comfort, cosiness, and a chance to relax away from the city lights and all the noise.
  • The city was acknowledged as the European Capital of Culture in 2019 and is considered a key economic, transport, cultural, and educational hub. It’s neatly positioned on the banks of the Maritsa river in the popular historical region of Thrace.
  • There are more than 300,000 locals living in Plovdiv but the region is also home to a lot of non-Bulgarian citizens.
  • Bulgaria is a beautiful country with a rich history and culture. It is located in south-eastern Europe and is known for its scenic landscapes, beautiful beaches, and affordable cost of living. The country has a diverse population and is home to many foreigners from around the world.
  • Bulgaria has affordable housing, low cost of living, friendly locals, and calming lifestyle of living.
  • Bulgaria can provide you with very different experiences depending on whether you live in one of the cities, or in smaller towns and villages.
  • Bulgaria has a very beautiful scenery. The mountains are stunning and the ski resorts are breath taking, nothing to envy to any other country in the world. There are a lot of natural honey producers here. You can see jars for sale on the sides of roads and in any of the villages. Fruit and vegetables are for sale everywhere and are the most delicious. Hot summers and cold winters. Winters can be below -15. Summers can touch 35 or even 40 degree Celsius in some areas like Plovdiv and south Bulgaria.
  • Traveling inside the country is relatively easy because everything is within distance, trip Sofia-Varna is one of the longer distances to travel is only 450 km, and there are also flights that connect both cities in less than an hour. But if you prefer the beautiful landscape and have enough time, you can take the slow train service, you can pass from the mountains to the Black Sea coastline in a couple hours and in between, you will find beautiful valleys.

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